Ma Yifu

  • 网络马一浮
Ma YifuMa Yifu
  1. Ma Yifu 's Influence on the First Half of Xiong Shili 's New Consciousness-only Doctrine


  2. Ma Yifu 's Theory of LiuYi and His Poetics


  3. The Full Blooming : the State of Buddhist Zen and Friends of Ma Yifu


  4. Ma Yifu 's thoughts include two focal points that are the theory of LiuYi and the poetics , and the latter is the component of the former .


  5. Ma Yifu 's " Theory of Six Classics and Mind " and the Philosophical Connotations of Confucian Classics : From " Classic Hermeneutics " to " Ontological Hermeneutics "


  6. Ma Yifu is an important representative in the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism ideological trend About his academic thought 's ownership , particularly whether he does belong to the " modern new - Confucianism ", the current academic circle has the dispute .
